
Vinho da Talha

Talha Wine: A Millennial Tradition of Alentejo

Talha wine is one of the oldest and most emblematic wine traditions in Alentejo, Portugal.

This method of wine production dates back to the times of the Romans, who introduced the fermentation technique in large clay amphorae, known as talhas.

Production Process

The production of Talha wine is an artisanal process that preserves ancestral techniques.

After being harvested, the grapes are crushed and placed in the talhas together with the skins and seeds. Fermentation occurs naturally, without the need for presses or closed wine presses.

During the fermentation process, which lasts between 10 and 15 days, it is necessary to stir the wine mass daily to ensure the extraction of the characteristic aromas and flavors.

Varieties and Flavors
Talha wine can be produced with both white and red grapes, resulting in white, red or “petroleiro” wines (a blend of white and red grapes).
Each producer can add variations to the process, according to local tradition and personal taste.
The result is a unique wine, with a complexity of flavors that reflect the richness of the Alentejo terroir.
Cultural Heritage
More than a winemaking technique, Talha wine is a cultural heritage of the Alentejo.
For centuries, this practice has been passed down from generation to generation, remaining alive in the region’s wineries and taverns.
Today, Talha wine is celebrated not only for its flavor, but also for its history and the role it plays in Alentejo culture and identity.

Modernization and Preservation

Despite being an ancient technique, Talha wine has increasingly attracted the interest of modern producers.

Some wineries have introduced techniques and equipment that make the work easier without altering the essence of winemaking in talha.

This combination of tradition and innovation ensures that Talha wine will continue to be enjoyed by future generations.


Portugal Expert ® Tourism – Vitor Pais    –    Copyright © 2009 – 2025. All rights reserved

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