Portugal Expert®
September , 2024
The “original” or “true” cod is of the species Gadus morhua found in the Atlantic Ocean.
The Gadus lives in the cold seas of the north and is generally small in size, although some specimens can weigh up to 50 kg and measure almost two meters. It feeds on other smaller fish, such as herring.
Discovered by the Vikings, who fished it in abundance in the cold seas of the Nordic countries, in Portugal cod is today known as the “faithful friend (Fiel Amigo)”.
Portugal’s long relationship with dried fish that is not caught on its coast began in the mid-1500s, when a Portuguese expedition of discoveries on its way to India discovered Newfoundland and the Portuguese began fishing for cod.
Historically, the curing process for cod began on cod fishing boats, where it was immediately salted. Upon reaching land, the fish was washed to remove all the salt and dried to dehydrate. Cod was dried outdoors in the Algarve, the South Bank of the Tagus, Setúbal, Figueira da Foz, Aveiro and Viana do Castelo. It was generally a job done by women.
Today we still love cod and it is said that we know 1001 different ways to cook it. Currently, 70% of cod comes from Norway and the Portuguese are responsible for consuming 20% of the world’s catch, in light of sustainable consumption, climate change and its gastronomic versatility.
It is traditionally eaten as Bacalhau à Lagareiro, Bacalhau à Brás, Bacalhau à Narcisa, Bacalhau com Natas, or more than 1000 different recipes
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